1) The name OLAM

* OLA in OLAM stands for The Odense Language Acquisition Project
* LAM in OLAM also stands for Claus LAMbertsen, Berlin
* M in OLAM also stands for Peter Molbæk Hansen, KUA (author of "Dansk Udtale" (=DU) , the modern Danish
   pronunciation dictionary using (near-) IPA)

2) The OLAM-group
The OLAM-group consists of Hans Basbøll (contact person), Thomas O. Madsen, and external member Claus Lambertsen, Berlin (Peter Molbæk Hansen is not involved in the work. However, he has kindly given his acceptance to the project).

3) What is OLAM?
OLAM is a system with two main parts:

* OLAM-code is a database used for semi-automatic morphological and phonological/phonetic coding of input (near–)
   orthographic texts in the "C-format" (CLAN/CHAT), the format we use for the transcription of our data (see also The
   Odense Twin Corpus and The Odense Frog Story). OLAM-chat and OLAM-interface are used to connect the
   C-system and OLAM-code.
* OLAM-search is a huge database and search-machine containing all information from Molam (see below) and much
* Molam is CL´s electronic version of DU, with segment-based search procedures constructed by CL (involving cross–
    searching orthography-morphology-phonetics).

4) The semi-automatic coding process

* i)   When the main line of the transcription is being looked over and checked for discrepancies, a tilde is inserted
         before genitive s, and a plus between the members of a compound
* ii)   Once this is completed the main line is copied into an OLAM-tier
* iii)  The semi-automatic coding is made by a student assistant, who selects the right choice for a word form when
          OLAM-code provides several options.
* iv)  The result of the semi-automatic coding process are MOL-, SOL- and POL-tiers (with information on
          morphology, pronunciation, and segmentation, respectively), which will subsequently be copied into further tiers.

5) The linguistic coding
In principle, all information which is (directly or indirectly) available from DU, as well as some further information constructed during the OLAM-process, is encoded in MOL-, SOL- and POL-forms. These forms are compatible with the CHAT-format, and represent a linguistic analysis which is relevant for testing hypotheses in the OLAP. (see also Basbøll's Word Structure Model)

* 6) Components of the work with OLAM
* a) moving pronunciation variants
* b) from graphemic to morphological endings
* c) calculation of new (inflected) forms
* d) calculation of POL-, SOL-, MOL-forms (for OLAM-code)
* e) creation of OLAM-code
* f) OLAM-chat and OLAM-interface
* g) OLAM-search

OLAM is presently under construction.